Building managers of a nervous disposition are advised NOT to continue due to the unspeakable horrors below…


Mild mannered Building Manager Janet, spent her days not worrying about the outside, choosing to ignore all the tell-tail warning signs, until one fateful, dark and stormy night her façade finally cracked and what lurked beneath was a waking nightmare…

The Fear

of possible legal action

The Terror

of possible structural damage

The Dismay

of possible increased insurance premiums

The Panic

of possible reputational harm

The Alarm

of possible financial ruin

If only Janet had spoken to the team at to conduct a full façade survey; her problems could have been avoided…

Prevention is the best way to avoid unexpected horrors from taking root…

Is your building safe?
Are you sure?

With a growing backlog of maintenance and repairs being recorded, along with an increase in incidents of members of the public becoming injured by falling masonry, could you afford the financial and reputational fall out?

With an estimated 14,400 events of falling masonry and debris every year across the UK*, and as falling masonry causes at least 5 instances of death or serious injury per year in the UK**, building management teams need to be sure that they have done enough to mitigate the potential risks which could occur due to structural façade degradation and decay.

Most recently, a restaurant in Kensington, West London had a large section of architectural console fall into an exterior dining area, with it being reported in The Standard that 'the block narrowly missed one diner's head, hitting her chair leg and cracking the pavement'.

14,400 events of falling masonry per year in the UK*

Falling masonry causes at least 5 incidents of death or serious injury per year in the UK**

One of the key reasons for these types of incidents increasing has been the result of climate change, with the UK experiencing increased levels of precipitation of between 10-15% since 1990. The Met Office are predicting the occurrence of storms to become more frequent and increase in intensity, this can then cause cracked masonry and render to work loose becoming a potential lawsuit and reputational nightmare waiting to happen.

Over the last 24 months the Thomann-Hanry® team have removed over 750kg of loose masonry & brickwork during surveys, some of the examples include:

Why choose Thomann-Hanry® Surveying Services

Here at Thomann-Hanry® we have decades worth of experience in surveying, maintaining and cleaning the façades of commercial buildings and can help you to prevent the unthinkable from happening.

We conduct all our surveys from MEWPs (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms) to allow for close-up inspections and removal of any loose masonry which poses an immediate danger to the public (something which is not possible using drones). As no scaffolding is required, a survey can be quickly arranged and conducted without the additional cost and time demanded by erecting scaffolding.

Thomann-Hanry® will work with you to provide a thoroughly detailed and well documented façade survey, which will actively identify and address hidden problems, emphasising key areas of concern, and allowing you and your team to make an informed decision on how you wish to resolve the problem before these issues become a more significant risk.

Did you know…Thomann-Hanry®
has carried out over 600 façade surveys
in 2024!

Safety is paramount when conducting a site survey, covered pedestrian walkways are provided for peace-of-mind when the Thomann-Hanry® Team is working overhead.

All equipment is cordoned off to prevent the general public from entering the area surrounding the vehicle and equipment.

The use of MEWPs (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms) allows for our team to get up close to the façade and check all areas for defects and problems, without the use of costly, unsightly, and time-consuming scaffolding.

  • At The Balmoral, regular façade inspections are crucial to maintaining the timeless beauty and structural integrity of our historic building. By closely monitoring the condition of the exterior, we can anticipate potential maintenance activities in advance. This ensures the safety and longevity of the building but also allows us to manage resources effectively, preventing unexpected repairs and preserving the elegance of Edinburgh’s iconic building for years to come. Iain DavidsonHealth, Safety & Security Manager - Rocco Forte Hotels
  • The stewardship of historic buildings is an honour; however, it comes with numerous challenges and risks, no more so than the maintenance of the external fabric. The risks to both building users and the general public in the vicinity of large masonry facades in busy Cities that have been exposed to the ravages of the elements and high levels of pollution are a constant concern. There is no better way to manage and mitigate this risk than via regular surveys and inspections. The planning and implication of cyclical building surveys and inspections, along with the delivery of detailed reports and recommendations is an important way to ensure the risks associated with historic facades are managed and mitigated via the subsequent implementation of remedial works and wider repairs. Edward WilsonPartner - Gerald Eve